Monday, February 13, 2006

Maneuvers in the W/ SW

If you have a look at my calender, you can see that we are "throwing down" at a different lake in a different state every week this month. California was incredible. We towed until we couldn't tow any more. Paul Sommerset "ghost rode" his paraglider about five times(BASE jumping parachute). The session was great despite the 13 hour drive to get there. The Arizona session was pretty good with a few challenges(weather, bird habitat, angry sea-plane taddle tail). BUT, the good news is that the lake we are using for AZ sessions has a program for boat towing and now we know how to adhere to it. Having said that, we had five participants and did about 22 tows. SO, you do the math. I drove to NM where I left Snoopy and the boat and am back in Salt Lick City for a few days. This weekend, NM session, next weekend, TX. No problem buring tons of gas, credit cards are getting hit pretty hard. Cheapest diesel: 2.59. Cheapest unleaded: 2.39. Most days involve about 8 hours on the boat minimum. Most tows involve putting out 6k + feet of line which works out to about 3k feet...


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