Friday, December 02, 2005

Snow, SUV's and Cravattes

Check it out, two days later, all of the snow is GONE.

Since this is THE place for me to rant:

"SIV's" and "Cravattes" are French things. You don't call a toilet a "cuvette." You don't call a car crash "un accident de voiture" or a UDV. This is America. It's a Maneuvers Session, it's a day at the lake, it's a throw down... The tip get's stuck in the lines, it's a "stuck tip" or a "tip stuck." While we are at it, it ain't "parachutage" no more than Jacques Chirac is the president of the US. It's called "deep stall." German's call it "sack flug." There are beginners runnning around with all three of those words in their heads and they are thinking that they are all different.
As for "clinics":

clin·ic P Pronunciation Key (klnk)

A facility, often associated with a hospital or medical school, that is devoted to the diagnosis and care of outpatients.

Go to the clinic when it hurts to pee. Get some anti-biotics. When you want to learn to fly, take a course or get some coaching.

Repeat after me: "I was throwing down at the lake, and let my glider get into deep stall, it surged forward and the tip stuck. I fixed it and am thankfull that I got some coaching at that session."

Bill Kaelin from Bend calls them SUV courses, I can support that. Law and Order SVU, very American....

I skied for the first time in two years today with Othar, Niki Sue and Pete Mueller and James Bradley. All four are ripping skiers. Alta was great. Super fun.

Tomorrow, snow kiting.

I am spoiled.


Blogger J.C. Brown said...

I agree.The French got to name all the parts of the airplane: empenage,fuselage,canard, aileron, elevon, etc. So why should they get to name all the shiznit in parapente too?

5:56 AM  

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